It Was Easier Back Then CD Cover Closet Musician CD Cover How I Got To Here CD Cover Daybreak

Project Status of CDs by Raker john

Welcome to Raker john's CD recordings project status page! This page is provided as a source of information relating to the production and completion of recordings by the aforementioned artist. It is anticipated that progress will be slow (knowing how he works) but progress will be made, nontheless... This page will resent (in tedious detail) the progress being made and the excuses being offered when no progress can be documented. Should be fun! This is also the page referenced in the hidden main web page section of No Bozos Racing...


There are currently three (3) projects in the works. There is the double-CD, How I Got To Here Volume 1 and 2, It Was Easier Back Then, the early songs, and Closet Musician, songs from the "middle period". A fourth project, Daybreak, the later works, is still only in the planning (dreaming) stages and has yet to be fully visualized...

A summary of the current CD activity follows:




As of today, February 8, 2015, most of the recording for the first two CDS, How I Got To Here - Volumes 1 & 2, has been done - at least for the rhythm tracks. There are 33 songs in some state of mixing with about a dozen being final mixes. No mastering has been done on any songs. Most of the missing tracks are instruments I do not play myself (fiddle and banjo, mainly) so the ETA is hard to estimate. I want to go out on a limb and say these CDs will probably be available for Christmas of this year. Some work has also been done on the original songs written between 1960 and 1974, It Was Easier Back Then, but very little. I have to relearn (sounds better than "try to remember") a few of them so it may take a while...

In the mean time I am assembling my 24-track digital studio and learning the new board which, hopefully, will speed some things up. So

Stay tuned and keep the faith...

Well, here it is, November the 1st, 2015 and I have yet to get back to the CD projects. While I have still been playing, mostly Celtic and Old-Time, I have not been recording. I think that it may be a good thing as it has given me a bit more objectivity and a fresh set of ears even though the recordings come around in the mix that I have on my mp3 player that I use at the gym. That allows me to listen to the songs in rotation with other artists and recordings and compare them in terms of both performance and production. Hopefully, this has been time well-spent rather than wasted. New recordings are planned shortly to finish some of those lacking banjo and fiddle and begin some that have been on my mind for a while - stay tuned!

Please remember that your comments and suggestions are always welcomed. I take requests; I won't promise to play them but I'll take them, none the less... Keep those electronic cards and letters comin', folks!

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Changes last made on: Sunday, November 1, 2015 at 9:27am